guest speaker

Hoonko Service

Today we observed Hoonko, the memorial service for Jodo Shinshu founder Shinran Shonin. Our guest speaker for our Hoonko Service was Rev. Ryoso Toshima.

Rev. Toshima served as a resident minister at various temples around the state including Hanapepe Hongwanji (Kauai), Honokaa Hongwanji (Big Island), and Waipahu Hongwanji. Following that, he came to the Honpa Hongwanji Betsuin and served as the Rimban (head minister) for many years.

Watch Rev. Toshima’s Hoonko Dharma Talk below.

Eitaikyo Service & Remembrance Day

Our guest speaker for our Eitaikyo Service was Rev. David Fujimoto. Rev. Fujimoto is the resident minister of Mililani Hongwanji. The Eitaikyo Service is a time to remember all the members who came before us and their many contributions that have allowed us to continue spreading the dharma today.

Watch Rev. Fujimoto’s Eitaikyo Dharma Talk on our YouTube channel below.

Gotan-e Service

At today’s Gotan-e and Family Service, our guest minister was Rev. Satoshi Tomioka who currently is serving as minister of Puna, Pahala and Naalehu Hongwanji Missions on Hawaii island. Gotan-e is to celebrate the birth of Shinran Shonin the founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. In his message, Rev. Tomioka said that we must remember Amida Buddha’s compassion and that he embraces each of us just as we are.

Eshinni / Kakushinni Day Service with Guest Speaker Mernie Miyasato-Crawford

The guest speaker for our Eshinni / Kakushinni Day service was Mercie Miyasato-Crawford, a fourth-generation Jikoen Hongwanji member and vice-chair of Project Dana. Mernie shared her reflections on what it means to be, in this life, a Buddhist woman.

Spring Ohigan Service with Guest Speaker Rev. Tatsuo Muneto

We welcomed Rev. Tatsuo Muneto as the guest speaker for our Spring Ohigan Service. Rev. Muneto has served temples throughout the state, including Hawaii Betsuin, Hilo Betsuin, Kona Hongwanji, Lihue Hongwanji, and Moiliili Hongwanji, as well as the Buddhist Study Center. Watch Rev. Muneto’s Dharma Talk by clicking on the play button below or on our YouTube channel.

Today was also our first Dharma School session, which will be held monthly on the second Sunday of the month. This was followed by a fun and creative craft activity.

Dharma School

Hoonko Service with Guest Speaker Rev. Thomas Okano

The Hoonko Service is the annual commemoration of the passing of Jodo Shinshu founder, Shinran Shonin. Our guest speaker for our Hoonko Service was Rev. Thomas Okano, retired Bishop of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii.